Saturday, 27 September 2014

Let us help each other

Today was a tiring one, yesterday i went to  work  in  the morning got home played with my daughter a for a little while then off to work on the nightshirt. I really hate working nightshirt because it make my Daughter unhappy and the next day is usually a tough one for me. I was so exhausted that when i got home  at seven this morning after picking up my daughter I went straight to  bed fell asleep and missed class  this morning.
My daughter is my reason for living, she keeps me going always energetic keeps me busy.
I would like to start a support system for persons that live in Trinidad as I am yet to find one.
I could  be looking in the wrong places but if I could start something like that here it would be the most amazing thing.
Too everyone reading my blog I would like you to pass on the word, I would like to get the group started then group it off by different area around the country. If some one is  struggling with something that they need  physical comfort of another female in the group and they live close to each other they could meet and offer assistance to each other.
We need to be each others keeper again below the link to the groups that I found.

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you thinking big, Olivia. Just be sure not to get into more than you can handle.

    Also, don't forget to use the method of linking that I described on the course blog.
